Wednesday 11 July 2007

Sticky Numbers???

Just a short note to express my views on the new look BTF sticky race numbers. Now on first obtaining a pair of these numbers my immediate thought was "Water....adhesive paper.....water.....adhesive paper?". Clearly not a good combination, let alone ripping a wetsuit off over them and them the punishment they would get from the wind on the bike!
Although normally the first to try anything new I stuck to my guns and went for the race belt, no worries! There were similar viewpoints held by most of the other triathletes I spoke to at Wakefield. However when it came to racing to my surprise many had indeed gone for the stick on method. Being involved in the race I did not see the success/absolute horror that resulted from using this method. I am told however that generally there was a 50/50 split as to whether the new numbers worked or became saturated and slid annoyingly off random tri-suits.

Now perhaps you have yourself experienced wearing these new race numbers and could tell me how successful you found them? Do they actually stay stuck on and if so, how do you get them off?

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